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Old 08-12-2001, 05:49 PM   #1
Ironworks Moderator

Join Date: January 7, 2001
Location: Monroe, LA
Age: 60
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Sazerac, Editor
Mock Human: Editorial/Photojournalist

A General Call for Exterminators


Dear Gael Serran Examiner:

I was over by Shurugeon Castle going through the moat to enter. I reached
the point where you are supposed to dive down and flip the lever, I looked
down and there were these ratlings and barbarians. They were waiting for me
at the bottom of the moat! There were bubbles coming up as evidenced in the
picture. Don't know if this is common around these parts...I saw bats do
the same thing once. And once I was attached on my raft by those wild dogs
and killer fish...who came out of the water onto my raft to get me.. As
I say..I don't know if this is common around these here parts...I am a
city boy...

Perhaps you should consider hiring a ranger or someone else with game warden experience.

Yours underwater,
Mock Human

Dear Mock Human,

The phenomenon you have described is rare, but certainly not unheard of. It is known as a form of dementia known as "hydrophilia" where the creature is affected by an abnormal desire to be in water or a watery substance. Even certain forms of undead, such as zombies and skeletons, may evidence this particular abnormality. Even the toads of Toad Village are not immune to this disorder.

There is an opposite phenomenon known as "aerophilia," which takes hold of certain water-dwelling creatures, causing them toleap out of the water, almost in a suicidal, kamikaze type manner, to be in the air. This explains your phenomenon with the fish. Certain sharks and eels in the Lost Sea area also evidence this behavior from time to time...a frightening notion!

However, I wouldn't worry about the phenomenon too much. If it is Highland Rogues who are afflicted with the particular disorder, more's the better, as so many of them have never bathed nor changed their leather and boots that their particular scent is legendary, and any introduction of water into their environment is apt to improve their overall hygiene. We can't, however, say the same for the water.

Your call for additional rangers and other adventurers has not gone unheard. Right now, there are no less than 500 different bands of adventurers out exploring in the Gael Serran, whacking the daylights out of floating sharks and submerged rats. Fear not: help will soon be on your way!

Thanks for writing, and remember...minds that need examining want to KNOW!

-Sazerac, Editor

[This message has been edited by Sazerac (edited 08-12-2001).]
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