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Old 05-28-2001, 01:11 AM   #14
Drow Warrior

Join Date: March 6, 2001
Location: Mesa, AZ, USA
Posts: 295
The key to the phrase "Now that Gorthius is out of the way" is whether or not Gorthius is dead. If you talk to Gorthius about H'Thark, when you leave, he gets killed. If you don't talk to Gorthius, he doesn't give you the lockpicks and you have to torture H'Thark to get information out of him. Many people, because they already know what H'Thark will say, don't pick up the lockpicks and so they do not hear that phrase when meet Scanthril.

I have a novel way to get H'Thark to talk to me and still keep Gorthius alive. I steal H'Thark's lockpicks from him. (You would think that the leader of the Hidden Circle would be more on guard against pickpockets) I only get two instead of three lockpicks, but H'Thark thanks you for them anyway. Ever since I started stealing the picks instead of asking about H'Thark, I have never heard Scanthril say that Gorthius is out of the way.

I did some more experimenting, and found out something interesting, but not unexpected. After freeing H'Thark, I went back to Gorthius and asked about him. (I saved the game just before this.) Sure enough, he asked me to deliver the lockpicks to H'Thark, but did not give me anything. I left the area and, sure enough, Gorthius was killed. I restored and left Gorthius alone.

Another thing that I found was the level of H'Thark's lockpicks. I was hoping that because they were H'Thark's, they would be level 3 or 4 lockpicks. I tried splitting them and they split into level 1 lockpicks. I had to restore because after splitting them, H'Thark wouldn't take them.

I must say that my respect level for the Hidden Circle has gone down a bit. First, a 3rd level rogue can pickpocket the leader, and second, a high level member needs 1st level lockpicks. What is worse is that the Black Hand considers them a major threat! And think of the Highland Rogues who can not even count. If this is the model of rogues in the Gael Serran, no wonder rogues have no respect.


Only two of my personalites have delusions, but one of them is paranoid and the other is out to get him.
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