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Old 05-18-2001, 11:55 PM   #9

Posts: n/a
Originally posted by mortification:
I seem to post at wierd times so hopefully this won't get pushed too far down before people see it.

Some people have expressed some interest in maybe making a "mod" of some sort for W&W. I have some basic ability in this area and would definately need some help. Anybody with basic mod-making or hex-editing experience please post so we can see if we can get enough people to make a go at it.

Realize that we'd need a small group of people who'd be willing to put some time in with the beta-testing, figuring out all of the locations of the data, etc. Sometimes it's kind of boring but the end result is usually worth it.

Also if anyone knows the publisher or programmers enough that we could e-mail them for some advice, please post. That would be the best place to start.

Another topic that is post-worthy is, what would you like to see in a mod? Realize that we are NOT talking sequel here, but rather a tweaking of the existing game to improve it. At this point we don't even know what, if anything, we can modify so we are open to speculation/desire.

Personally I'd like to adjust:
monster stats
character classes/new classes
character races/new races
maybe some changes or additions to the map
gold drop rates, so that you could play without exploting any gold tricks
timing of ranged weapons to make them more viable

That would be cool, I'll email D.W Bradley and see if we could get him to release the editor for W&W! Or atleast the file spec's for the file types--so we can build our own editors (or a simple SDK).
I'm no expert programmer, so I can't do that, but I CAN do graphics, textures, 3D Modeling and using editors..

Ironworks Webmaster

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