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Old 05-15-2001, 10:28 AM   #1
Dungeon Master

Join Date: May 13, 2001
Location: Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Posts: 94
Lets start with the good news: I bought the game today! (why no smileys you wonder? read on..)

Now the bad news: After doing the full install I started the game by pressing the "start new game" button (I watched the intro first and it looked pretty bad. As if I watched a VERY VERY small res movie in full screen.) and was taken to the town of Valeia screen. Or better said: it was supposed to do that....

The middle of the screen is black. I see nothing at all. The boxes on the side of the screen I do see.
The text box on the bottom reads: Village of Valeia.
I can see and move around the hand shaped cursor too.
Iniatially the game started up under software acceleration, so I changed it into 800x600 D3D. All other graphical options are on High. And they should be, my system is powerfull enough.
P3 450 - 128MB ram - Geforce 2 MX - 48x CD-Rom - 5400rpm harddisk with plenty of room left. (4GB or something)
So after I've checked out the other options, like sound, I closed the option screen.
Or better said: I tried to cause the image of that option screen remained visible. It wasn't really there cause I couldn't press any buttons so it's a "Ghost" image that just wont go away.
One other strange thing is that the screensize isn't filling my monitor size.
It's a bit to left.
If I wanted it to fully spread over my monitor I would have to expand the screen with my monitor buttons.... that part I could easily correct ofcourse, but still.... I've played beta versions of games that did better.

I've tried it first without the patch and nothing worked. Now I've installed the patch and it still doesn't work. This problem isn't even mentioned in the patch readme. I have a bad feeling about this (
Can anybody please help me???? I don't know how to fix this and I really REALLY want to play this game.
Oh, I also checked the boards a little and already changed my virtual memory to a minimum of 300MB. Didn't do a thing for me.
Please help a dissapointed Dutchman.

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