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Old 04-01-2001, 08:28 PM   #1
Welcomed New User

Join Date: April 1, 2001
Posts: 2
I purchased W&W yesterday seeing that it supported Direct3D and was under the impression that this worked just like DirectX, meaning one could use the API and not worry about the hardware. I started to doubt my knowledge until I found this nice definition on Webopedia....
An Application Programming Interface (API) for manipulating and displaying 3-dimensional objects. Developed by Microsoft, Direct3D provides programmers with a way to develop 3-D programs that can utilize whatever graphics acceleration device is installed in the machine. Virtually all 3-D accelerator cards for PCs support Direct3D.

Another 3-D standard offering similar functionality is OpenGL.

Ok, now my knowledge and a definition agree, I'm not crazy! Wait, am I?
Yes, I am among the many that bought the wonderful ATI Radeon (64M) card and cannot use D3D on this game.

If I see another post about me not missing anything using software mode I will puke! I also have an older system with a Voodoo3 3K and the characters look 10x better, not to mention the better resolution. Wait! Let me guess, your reply: stop whining and play on the other machine? Unfortunately it's a lot wimpier and has a much smaller monitor.

Anyway, can someone at least tell me why this is a problem?

Why, if so many people have this problem, hasn't HP put something on their page about it? Why didn't Activision explicitly say on the box that if your card isn't listed your out of luck? Why does none of my other 3D software written long before the advent of the ATI Radeon work fine with it using D3D? It says it right in the definition, "can utilize whatever graphics acceleration device is installed in the machine", yet somehow HP/Activision have somehow managed to break it. Ok, sure maybe it's a Microsoft problem....if it is then why do we keep hearing rumors of patches from HP? Has anyone contacted Microsoft about this? Am I wasting too much of my life complaining about something I probably won't even remember a year from now? (Probably!)

Ok, that's my 2 cents....the only question I would really liked answered is why it won't work, the others were mainly rhetorical.
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