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Old 03-30-2001, 07:20 PM   #1

Join Date: March 4, 2001
Location: Bournemouth,Hampshire,England
Posts: 443
Carenis' head broke the surface first, gasping for breath he was shortly reassured as Gertha's strangely altered vissage errupted from the murky depths into the darkly lit appeture. Shortly afterwards the rest of the party where assembled and there was much spulttering. Shevine undid her breathing aparatus (a sight wich had the savage Barbarian and Father Telar staring in amazement as certain, currently wet, parts of her anatomy forced themselves outwards as she struggled with straps and buckles) and floated it across to Carenis. Durin supplied a suitable shaped awkward helm, a fishy crest running it's length, and crammed it on the big mans head. Slowly the starr faded from Carenis eyes as fresh air flooded his lungs, forcing him to choke on the seawater, bile building up in his throat.

"He's going to throw up!" Yelled Lisa.
"Get that mask of his head," added Telar," we don't want him to suffocate in it."
"Here," growled Durin, wrenching at the ghastly head piece, "if you make this thing dirty, I'll..." Somewhere in the darkness Gertha sneezed.There was an ominous teraing sound as the seal came undone and with a loud splash the helm dropped into the dark waters below them. Gertha instinctively dived from site, her heels kicking upwards, a few ripples marking the spot where they had been.

"Now look what you've done," Durin's complaints where accompanied by the sound of a large man retching," me headgear's gonna be all wet an' I could drown." Telar shot him a distateful glance then returned to the incredible bouyant effect that the water seemed to be having on Shevine. Noticing the attention that she was recieving the elf dragged herslef up onto the ledge and rapped her sodden coalk tightly around her, dissapointing both Telar and Carenis.

Lisa shrugged, and rolled her eyes towards the big barbarian, even shoulder deep in water he cast quite a shadow. His mighty hand lifted to whipe vomit from his mouth, spilling droplets of liquid silver in the glow of Shevine's captured and stored sunlight.Gertha resurfaced and handed the fish helm to Telar who, after removing his own, set about searching through his oilskins for a dry cloth to rub it with.

"You should have seen it," asserted the gnome, "there where fish down there eating some big guys puke." She wriggled her nose in that oh so familiar way, Shevine giggled at Gertha's facial antics as always. None knew what she found so amusing in their small companion and yet none risked angering her with the question.

"What big man?" Bawled Carenis, Gertha turned and seeing him feigned mock surprise (this raised the elf's giggles to a slightly louder volume).

"Who do you think, you great big lumox?" Mumbled Durin. Carenis looked guiltily at the helmet now resting before Telar as he held up a rag to dry.

"Well," added Durin," it was you're idea to come down here without all the proper kit, 'cause you couldn't be bothered to wait for the fishes who carry shields on their backs."

"Hah, hah," chuckled Shevine," there's been more of them down here, hahahah, we've found more two shells already and we only, we only," her voice faded away as the laughter took it's toll and her breath faltered.

"Only five outside,we know." Finished Sister Lisa. She looked despairingly at Carenis, something would have to be done.

Balgin, the Dwarf
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