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Old 03-10-2001, 12:30 PM   #19
Elite Waterdeep Guard

Join Date: March 10, 2001
Location: In the forsests of Wizards and Warriors
Posts: 42
I find the game perfect in everyway. Maybe it's just me, but 1 hit point to raise a level is the IDEA. The game is not supposed to be easy like 95% of the other games out on the shelves. I like this game since it IS TOUGH and the world is enormus. The storyline follows the suit of DW Bradley. I'm so hooked by this game! If it were me, I'd play for 24 hours straight!

Anyway, I think the game looks great! What's the matter with the graphics - nothing. I have had NO ERRORS at all. When I do "the dance" getting an object, just hold the right mouse button down and turn it a bit. There is only one error I do find annoying that really is not that bad or truly bothers me - it's the fact that once a monster is killed, items are dropped and some disappear either underneath the creature or just disappear alltogether. I have no idea why, but it doesn't affect my gameplay.

I just got finished with the crypt and LOVED it! I think Scabban is totally cool and his voice was the same. Hope there's more like him! I'm now in Isbad N'ah and starting for the next town. LOVE THIS GAME!

If there is a sequel (I pray at least there is an add-on) then I would leave the engine alone, but if there are bugs (I have yet to find one) then they should be fixed. The only problem as a "bug" I have is Windows STINKS! It just can't run a darned thing. Maybe Linux is an option since it can now run Windows games. I'm so shocked on DW's original site people are slamming him so bad that they can't figure how to install the game. What a shame that this wonderful guy took four long years of his life to make a true masterpiece and people just attack him. Makes you wonder if people even read the manuals to Winblows? Most of the people I met on the other site are rude, obnoxious and can't even figure out how to set the swapfile at an even 300! Makes you wonder if they're gamers at all.

No matter how you look at this game though, after 4 long years yes, the game's graphics will look dated. Trying to update this would take ANOTHER long year alone. That would be a waste. People are so heck-bent on graphics it makes me sick! Graphics DO NOT make a game. Storyline DOES. I'd rather have a storyline to keep my interests to the game than the graphics. Actually to me the outdoors area looks perfectly fine!

Before I go (I had to vent nicely of course) I can't fathom why people are using DDR memory graphics cards. They are so buggy! DDR memory on the new MB's are buggy. They don't work right - why do people think I kept my Rage 128 pro with 32MB of memory? I also have 512MB of memory and an AMD (slot A) 900MHz Athlon Thunderbird on the OLDEST motherboard: the AI61 (the first ever released). It's the new boards that have some problems with that DDR memory. Most games WILL NOT recognize it! I never rush out and buy new items without READING about them first. As for Wizards and Warriors, I read in CGSP (Computer Games Strategy Plus) of the WORST rating this game could get. So, I naturally sent them an email and told them I would try the game just out of sheer spite; not because DW's name was on it. Once I got the game I couldn't stop myself. It's that addictive. It's NOT hard to install the game - it took me 20 minutes with the full 1.1 gig installed and it ran like clockwork. Windows is the culprit folks. If you have to shout, scream and moan about the problems (not here you guys are really great - it's the other boards that drive me batty!) then get rid of the Windows version you're using or tweak your systems to RUN PROPERLY! 90% of the people I met on the other boards can't even find where to set the swapfile for goodness sake! How hard is this? I have ALL my backround proggies running and have 81% memory open when I play and I've not had one problem. Of course the memory has to be really clean too. Oh well, live and learn; they'll always be whiners and whimps.

I LOVE this forum and just wanted to tell you all what is going on over at DW's BBS board. It's truly sad. I may be new, but I'm sure I know what I'm talking about. I LOVE W&W and am honored to be in the presence of all of you! Please email me if you wish. I have posted in this forum with "This game is truly amazing". Please read it and see if I'm off and send me what you think. I like to hear what people think. I just hope he doesn't change too much of the next release but fixes the "bugs" you guys seem to have. Hope you all got the patch - I of course didn't need it but you guys might. If you want it, email me and I'll send it to ya! Thanks for making all us NEWBIES for W&W welcome! I also hope to hear from you all!!!

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