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Old 03-10-2001, 12:10 AM   #17
Ironworks Moderator

Join Date: January 7, 2001
Location: Monroe, LA
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What I would most like to see in the game would be that whatever action you take would have consequences. This would give the option of playing pure "good", pure "evil", or some balance in between.

I've already had my rant about Erathsmedor and Oakenmir. My rant was actually more directed at the game than at any player who is killing these NPC's, because, yes, the game should allow the killing of these NPCs, but should also reflect grave consequences upon the PC's. You get the feeling in this game that you can basically run amuck and that nothing will happen. You're right.

To dredge up an old example: in Wizardry VII (Dark Savant); any action you took directly affected how other NPC's interacted with you. If, for example, I chose to league with the T'Rang (the evil spider-people), the military Umpani (think Oomphaz in combat fatigues) would become your arch-enemies, or vice-versa. If I decided to kill one of the storekeepers, whoever they were leaged with wouldn't care much for my party any more. How much more fulfilling Wizards and Warriors would have been with such a system! That's what I would truly like to see in the next WW.

For example: if I decided to kill Erathsmedor, Hephaestus would come gunning for me with some of his robotic creations (imagine having to fight Iron Golems wrought by the master mechanic)? Or Erzebette would summon something at my characters. If I did such a thing as a Paladin, I would fall in grace or lose a rank in the guild, even though I gained mega XP. It would be a trade-off: do I want the XP, even though I'm really p'o'ing some potentially helpful NPC's and losing some standing in my guilds? Now it becomes a dilemma. Killing Scanthril should have some repercussions among the Assassin community. Things like that.

Let's hope that whatever D.W.'s next creation is, he gets a chance to put something like this into it. (He's fully capable of it, guys; he's the man who created Wiz 6 and 7).

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