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Old 02-17-2001, 08:53 PM   #43
adam mage

Posts: n/a

Ditka is, alone at his table, brooding over his ale.

Adam joined him. "Hey what's the matter? didn't you hear Sazerac? We'll be going soon but I don't know what day..." he shrugged his shoulders.

"Well, we have a problem..." Ditka paused in midsentence.
"What is it?" demanded Adam.
"We are low in gold!" Ditka scowled, "And we need them to buy armor, headgear, weapons, potions, and to get in the guilds! Plus, we need more for the training at the guilds! Damn it to Haleabus!" feeling depressed, He downed his ale and belched.

Adam said, "Calm yourself, I have an idea..." and he grinned, "We'll create the try-outs at the inn and post about it in the news at the townhouse."
Ditka was confused, "That's the plan?"
Adam shook his head, "no, no, no, there's more to it," with a wry smile, "We'll inform each person that there will be 200 gold charge to try out, you turn them down, and we'll keep their gold!"

Ditka pondered, "hmmmmm.... will they fall for it and come for the try-outs?"
"Of course, they will!" Adam winked, "Almost everyone wants a taste of adventure and what they don't know can't hurt them."
Ditka warmed up to the idea, slammed down his cup, and said, "Then let's go for it!"