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Old 01-31-2001, 08:44 PM   #6

Posts: n/a

M&M wasn't perfect but I had a lot less trouble with it than this one. Sometimes I just feel like quiting! Why do stupid things in a game like the strong current you have to swim against. Is it a test of my keyboard skills or my nerves or something. I want to role play not struggle to get to a langing that I have to spend a half hour to swim to. Or putting supports on all the walls so I get stuck all the time. That just turns me off. Let me solve puzzles etc. a little jumping is ok and the spells could have been better thought out (especially since the stairs don't work) like feather fall. And you know that lavawalk is for only one specific area which I do not have so what do you do. Change classes and run around 'til you get it. Where is the freedom of choice in that.
...and my brand new P3-866 computer is on the fritz arrgh!
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