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Old 01-22-2001, 12:22 AM   #1

Posts: n/a

Howdy, fishin' buddies. This week on Crab Masters, we're gonna show ya how them crabs is really bitin' down in them waters off Gael Sarren.

Well, first yer gonna need some scuba gear. You can get two full sets of the stuff at the shipyard. Give these to yer best fighter and any other member of your fishin' crew who is able to cast the Spirit Eye spell.

Once you get out on the dock and equip with the scuba gear, cast the Spirit Eye and call up the little map. You'll find that any living creature appears as a moving red dot on that map... guess what? You've got your own Fishing Sonar! Crank up your "Spawn" setting to high, then jump into the water, head to the bottom and go after 'em.

Most of the time you'll run into fish, sharks, eels and baracudas, but after a couple of hours of cruising the bottom you should run into enough crabs who drop shell to equip your entire party and then some.

Good fishin', ya'll.
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