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Old 08-16-2001, 04:15 AM   #101
Pangur Ban

Join Date: June 3, 2001
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Age: 64
Posts: 569
( See page 4 of this topic for an earlier adventure of this herioc band .. )

Dramatis Personea:

Rei, Philosophical paladin.
R'rova, Reasonably fierce barbarian.
H'ssa, Noble samurai who now wants learn to paint watercolors ..
Roland, Assasin of uncertain pedigree and over-inflated ego.
Pangur, Now a monk. Still suffers from bouts of nudism after the monk quest.
Cymry, Long suffering elven warlock.
The party of well seasoned adventurers are now prowling around a well known shrine ( 3 stars out of 5 in the Gael Serran Lonely Planet guide ).

In fact, one of them is more "seasoned" than the others, since R'rova has refused to take a bath since becoming a barbarian .....

R'rova: I sense a longtooth nearby ..
Pangur: With your smell, it's a wonder you could detect a garlic farm nearby!!
R'rova: Grrrrr ....
( Longtooth stalks around the corner )
Cymry: Hey, doesn't that beached pirate want a longtooth hide?
Roland: Yeah, he did, didn't he !! Hey, everyone, watch this ....

Roland goes into steal mode. A few seconds, there is a longtooth hide stored neatly in his backpack, while the de-furred longtooth drips bodily juices on the floor.

Cymry: Err, yukky ...
Pangur: Now, THATS how to pick a pocket !!
R'rova: Voices traditional barbarian battle cry - "Kill!!"
H'ssa: I've always liked that battleyell. Short, and to the point ..

Meanwhile, R'rova has now sent the longtooth off to the 'happy hunting grounds'.

Rei: You know, I've always wondered where monsters go after you kill them?
Pangur: Seeing R'rova picking his teeth with a small bone .. "Better not to ask, Rei, better not to ask!!"

"" The End ""

Pangur Ban

[This message has been edited by Pangur Ban (edited 08-16-2001).]
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