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Old 01-11-2001, 11:56 PM   #42
Zhentarim Guard

Join Date: January 7, 2001
Location: Washington State
Posts: 315

Man, I can't believe I missed this thread, I've been missing out!

I think the best part was very early on in the game. I was in the first dungeon, trying to jump over the broken stairs.

Highland Raider: "Stop and surrender your gold!"

Scronan: "!@#@!@#$@#$ YOU!"

Highland Raider "Shut up! Shut up!"

Sure as cow pie, the monster was talking back to me, and telling me to shut up. He got a few Burn spells up his keester for that one!

Hmm, another time I spend half an hour using the zap spell to kill roaches...gosh that was fun, but not as fun as squishing them in the elevator! *evil grin*.

Of course, seeing the Boogre Lady stuck in the teleporter trap was a riot. I kept casting healing spells on her so she'd have a better chance.

I think also was when I first kept getting roasted by Erathsmedor, I was determined to kill him. I shot him full of arrows which weren't doing squat to him, and I kept having my characters jump off hills trying to hit him. Nothing worked! ARGH!!!!

One of the best was when I got so crazy trying to cure vampirism, I went back to Lysandra and kept using items on her. I thought making her squeal with the tusk of lust would work, no it did not! I also found she giggles with any pointed objects you use on her...that was funny but no cure.

I gave her tusk back, stole it back and then got mad and Meteorstormed her. I reloaded and then had a plan! I'd push her outside, where she would surely melt and then cure me! So, I pushed her down the stairs, all the while while she kept twisting her hips and making her moans.

Splash! Lysandra was in the water! Ha ha ha! Take that you vampire b****! But...I soon learned a valuable thing, you CANNOT push an NPC up a set of stairs, so I was stuck with her in the water.

I finally got mad and left her there, but I sure got a laugh out of it.

Damn programmers.

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