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Old 01-08-2001, 03:30 PM   #39

Posts: n/a

A party of adventureres are wandering along a long dungeon passage (this one happened a few years ago and is worth telling).
Barbarian: Hey, you remember when we was travelling with that clever bloke?
Thief: Huh?
Barbarian: They called him a wise 'ard because his wisdom was well 'ard and made 'him good.
Thief: Oh him.
Barbarian: Well remember how he did magic things like say "that wall's an illussion".Well I've just been thinking, I can do magic too, it's really easy, look.
Thief: Oh dear.
Barbarian:This wall is an ill ussion look (he craned back his neck).Hnnh yarrr hah!
{Nutt! Crack!)
the barbarians voice echoed town the tunnel : Cleric!
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