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Old 01-08-2001, 03:20 PM   #38

Posts: n/a

Actually I did have the pleasure of watching Gertha Drin (the party gnome) as a Boogre Assassin, ex Ninja, ex Rougue! Adam, concerning Flamestrike, at least you haven't done it with Meteor and a tenth level party(whenever that happened at least four people where generally dead).Also the irresistable Boogre Thief.

Boogre thief: What that?
Other party member: It's a lock.
Boogre: What lock do?
Other : STops us getting shinny thingies.
Boogre: But shinny thingies is bad,are you gold taker?
Other: No.
Boogre: Good.
Other: shall we get back to the lock?
Boogre: What that thing there?
Other: I already told you, it's a lock?
Boogre: What lock for?
Other: For us to open.Come on, get on with it.
Boogre: Me know how to open locky thing.
Other: Good (smiles hopefully).
Boogre: Me got big club!!!!!!
Rest of party: NO! Don't do it!


Boogre: Ow, my head hurt,locks is bad, locks go in da cage (starts putting tresaure chest in the cage).
Other: We're going to have to do something about him......
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