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Old 12-28-2000, 02:49 AM   #7

Posts: n/a

The skill scrolling bug occurs when you get so many skills that all of them cannot fit on the first page of your skill list. In any other program you would be able to scroll down to see the entire list, but WW does not have a scroll button so the items on the bottom can never be seen, thus never increased when leveling.

The best way to avoid this is to not put points into skills you will never use. That way, when you change classes, skills with zero points drop off the list making room for the new skills of the new profession. Take myself for instance, I put 1 point into each of my warriors' weapon skills before I heard of the bug. I hope that patch comes out soon!

In an earlier post, the best friend of someone's brother's cousin's sister said that HP's tech site said that this was supposed to be fixed in the next patch.
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