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Old 12-10-2000, 12:57 AM   #6
Elite Waterdeep Guard

Join Date: April 5, 2002
Location: U.S.
Posts: 30

I understand your point, Vorrin, but remember that to newbies figuring out the board can be a challenge, just like the game. A good many don't understand that the board is not connected to the company and nobody has any obligation to answer anything.

What surprises me is that there are so few people coming on, demanding an answer, and flaming around when they don't get it immediately ... I've seen a lot of that on other (non-game) forums. It really is a very nice board.

And, just like Lily, there are a good many whose questions are really more of a vehicle for a little chat ... they don't really want just a bald answer. (unlike me, of course ... strictly business). What did you say your dog's name was?
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