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Old 01-06-2001, 10:13 AM   #42

Posts: n/a

Okay, dumb yes but with this forum, I am glad to see I'm not the only one, after reading thru some of these and laughing myself into hysterics...I thought I'd return the favor and let you laugh at me. Of course I had just bought the game, and being bored to tears and replaying M&M 8 over AGAIN. I was eager to start off, I skimmed thru the manual, thinking ohh yeah I can do this one, and tossing it aside. I started out. Of course I died a flaming death defeated by of all things a pack of mongrel dogs, which I couldn't fight or figure out how to cast spells so I could SEE. It was dark. Well I continued, being of stout heart(did I mention I was bored with Might&Magic?) and took all the characters to the store, and bought torches. Which this time I saved the game beforehand, went outside, could sorta see, and had figured out in the interm how to cast. Not that I bothered to pick up the manual again, ohhh no. Do you have to equip the torches BTW or are they just automatically active? I still haven't figured that one can't use them. Not in the use or give area anyway.Well I noticed that the game time advanced so I decided to wait for dawn...duhhhhhhh. I knew of course that time didn't stand still but I just wasn't thinking. Well I did notice that they posted a time when you saved your game...and thinking that it was game time I continued to wait out the dark..'til, and this is the punch line I noticed my save time..was MY time, not game time. Go ahead laugh I did.
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