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Old 01-23-2005, 01:24 PM   #1
Symbol of Cyric

Join Date: August 31, 2004
Location: VA
Age: 33
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Out of the specialist mage selection, general mages, and sorcerers, what do you all prefer, based on power, versatility, and (of course) multiclassing options?

My opinions:

1. General mages- the cream of the crop! These guys are my personal fav due to their ability to learn every mage spell in the game. Also, they are begging to be a drow with a rogue MC. Gotta love them!

2. Sorcerer- Powerful, yet second to the generic mage. They get loads of bombing power, but only get to cast 5 spells of each level. This could lead to some problems: If you like Tenser's Transformation, you may want to take it as a spell, but you don't use it enough to make that spell selection worth it. BAM! You have wasted some of your power. Like to cast eagle's splendor? If you never EVER cast magic missle, then you can make room for it. This being said, this guy could be a good support for the generic mage. They can be effectively multiclassed with a paladin or possibly can serve as an add-on to a bard (I've never tried that)

3. Specialist- Personally, I never touch them. The simple fact that they lose entire schools of magic in the intrest of an extra spell per day makes them lower on the versatility scale than a sorcerer. The only way that I'd take them is if I had two of them to balance out each other's flaws, but in that situation I'd rather go with a general mage and sorcerer. Like the general mage, they can be effectively MCed with a theif.

So, which spellcaster is your favorite?
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