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Old 03-22-2004, 04:08 PM   #1
Elite Waterdeep Guard

Join Date: November 12, 2002
Location: London
Age: 51
Posts: 19
I've just finished chapter 1 and standing outside Deirdre's wandering how on earth anyone is supposed to be able to afford "Heart of " at 210000gp.

I may have splashed out on some other items, but even had I saved ferociously throughout, would never have been able to buy this at this stage of the game.

Now I've read somewhere that once I board that blasted airship, I'll never come back to Targos.

How does one get their 'ands on this nice little item then? What am I missing? What have I done wrong? Will I come back to Targos?

Also, is this weapon supposed to give DEX +2 and STR +2 or is that one of the benefits of installing the 'Weidu' mod? (Naughty, he, he!).
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