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Old 12-23-2002, 12:24 PM   #16
Elite Waterdeep Guard

Join Date: November 12, 2002
Location: London
Age: 51
Posts: 19
Without meaning to start a theological debate, isn't Tom Bombadil and his missus (...what's her name. Where's that bloody book gone? You know, she kept turning into water and stuff) supposed to be a (thin) representation of God and the Mother Earth. I always got the impression that they were a cut above the rest. I also seem to remember something from my MERPS role playing days (about 12 years ago) that the Balrog was also an evil kind of Maiar.

Anyway, my LOTR in IWDII party....

Gandalf - Aasimar Sorceror (Leader, obviously). They may even be a touch of Paladin about the man.

Aragorn - Human (maybe Aasimar) Paladin of Helm 4 (Well he's not just your typical ranger. Has a certain 'fallen Paladin' appeal about him)/Fighter 4 (dab hand with that sword, has to have specialisation/Ranger (the rest).

Arwen - Moon Elf Cleric of Selune/Wizard (probably more Cleric than wizard). I cant think of any other suitable and loosely plausible characters to provide the Cleric of the party. Elrond maybe, but he's obviously a tad retired.

Legolas - Wild Elf Fighter/Ranger (Has to have the Fighter so he can get the specialisation in bow, which he obviously has). Has to have the Ranger, I mean walking on snow has to be some kind of ULTRA move silently.

Gimli - Shield Dwarf Fighter (That one was easy)

Frodo - Strongheart Halfing Rogue. Mind you, they do a fair amount of singing, dancing and telling a good yarn. What about a Bard?
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