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Old 09-13-2002, 03:28 PM   #4

Join Date: January 7, 2002
Location: boulder, co
Age: 45
Posts: 241
I chose magic missile and sleep first off, and sleep is definitely worth it, though i never use it anymore (lvl 10 now). the only lvl 1 spells i use anymore are MM, and flaming hands (to finish off trolls). for 2nd level i picked acid arrow first, because the continuous damage can interrupt casters, and the dmg itself is pretty decent. i took web later on, but haven't used it yet. 3rd level started with fireball, and it's still my most used spell. 4th, first thing was stoneskin, which was restored to it's previous functionality similar to NWN... as opposed to BG1 and 2, where it was self only. 5th level spells, i got cloudkill, though i haven't used it to effect yet. wondering if i should have gone with a summon, as this is where they start to get useful for the wizard spells.
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