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Old 02-24-2006, 09:30 AM   #27
Dave G
Elite Waterdeep Guard

Join Date: February 5, 2006
Location: United States
Age: 39
Posts: 48
Oh please, please! Any talk is relevant in this thread! HoF talk is certainly useful here.

And I'd like to ask a very regressive question now. Suppose one was to powergame using only single class characters (that must be an oxymornon). How would that party look. The reason I ask this is simple: No character can be everything. On the most basic level, certain characters will primarily be doing certain tasks (isn't a MC F/M just an excuse to give our mage better weapons and more HP? He's not running into combat and tanking most of the time!).
I\'ve never been wrong about anything I\'ve ever said ever in the history of things I\'ve said. It\'s more likely that your \"facts\" are wrong than that I am wrong.
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