Thread: Turning Undead
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Old 12-23-2005, 12:26 PM   #3
Black Swan Gauntlet
The Magister

Join Date: August 17, 2005
Location: The Great Forge
Age: 35
Posts: 132
It is the 'Alt' key...assuming you have Heart of Winter installed.

You will be able to tell if Turning Undead is successful by watching your opponents. If any of them start walking away after being engulfed for a moment in blue energy, they've been turned. If they just explode, they've been turned - only better. Though if you're using an evil cleric, you may gain control of them instead.

Note that you can walk around while turning undead.

Continuing on, if you've been thorough in your searching, you should have enough experience to turn regular undead. However, shadowed undead are very hard to turn, so you'd be better off throwing your cleric into combat than trying to use this ability in the Severed Hand.
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