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Old 01-28-2005, 01:42 AM   #14
Dungeon Master

Join Date: January 21, 2005
Location: The Wandering Forest
Age: 44
Posts: 50
Originally posted by Azred:
I had been thinking of creating a mage with a shop in either Easthaven (in the inn) or on the next-to-the-lowest level of Dragon's Eye which offers mage scrolls.
Much to my chagrin, though, is the fact that even though I can successfully create a store I am having trouble getting the mage to show up and initiate dialogue....
You'll need to add the CRE file directly to the area.

If you start a game in HoF mode and begin everyone at level 1, by the time your 5th- to 7th-level mage makes it to Kuldahar you have been running on only a handful of 1st- and 2nd-level spells and you don't have the money to buy many scrolls from Orrick. How sad!
Auril's Bane adds a merchant in the starting area who sells spell scrolls.
\"He who kneels before God can stand before anyone.” ~Anonymous <br /><br />\"You need to change how you look at it, when you can\'t change the it you\'re looking at.\" - Bishop T.D. Jakes <br /><br />[url]\"\" target=\"_blank\">Auril\'s Bane</a> -- An IWD Mod
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