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Old 11-24-2004, 07:01 PM   #6

Join Date: February 5, 2002
Location: Huntsville, AL, USA
Age: 64
Posts: 1,045

Another extremely experienced "newbie" hits the IWD boards. Welcome!

Aerich's got it right: Definitely wait for HoW (and download the free Trials of the LureMaster while you wait). Installing IWD, then HoW, then TotLM will fully transform and COMPLETELY patch your game. The expansion removes level limits, for all practical puposes in a Normal game. And I also agree that you should MC or DC the Thief with SOMETHING. MC Fighter/Thief is certainly an excellent choice. DC Fighter/Thief, MC Cleric/Thief or MC Mage/Thief are other very respectable choices. Otherwise your Thief will get so much experience in the expansions that his higher levels add nothing to his capabilities that affect gameplay.

IWD **IS** very linear and very combat intensive. (Any more combat and any less story and people might start calling it a squad tactics game with RPG flavor! lol!) So, since you already lean towards Humans, you might want to Dual Class (DC) your Cleric and (especially) your Mage with a Fighter. This is especially if you intend to take the party into HoW and beyond. A Fighter[9]/Cleric can achieve 5 PP in Mace (or other Cleric weapon), giving him 3 ApR (instead of 1) plus big THAC0 bonuses over a SC Cleric. The same type of thing helps your Mage. A Fighter[9]/Mage can have (for CON=18) 126 HP at level 9, versus 54 for a Mage. If that is too much bother, you can make a F[6]/M or even F[3]/M and still get lots of benefit. The extra HP and THAC0, and ability to use LongBow make a difference.

Since you share my appreciation of Clerics, you could also DC one of your Fighters with Cleric (so that instead of a 2 F and a C, you had a F and two F/C; or a F and, say, a F[9]/C and {C[12]/F or C[12]/R} ). Extra Cleric power comes in very handy in HoW and TotLM.

A good use for that one lonely Fighter you have left would be a DC Fighter[X]/Druid, where X is 9 to 13 inclusive.

If you DC a lot of your characters with Fighters, or take only an MC Mage, then a Bard would be an excellent addition to your party. (Bards ROCK in warrior heavy parties, with HoW installed.) Otherwise, (and especially if you only have one Cleric) a Paladin might be a better choice (specialize in LongSword).

There are portions of IWD/HoW/TotLM that demand a physical party; so don't scrimp on muscle. That is why you will see a lot of MC and DC going on: people trying to fit lots of muscle, magic, ministry and music into the party. That said, a pure Straight Class party can do O.K.; and some find the extra challenge refreshing. (It's just not my cup of tea.)

Have fun.

What's a party,
without a song?
Bards ROCK!
Party On!!

[ 11-24-2004, 07:26 PM: Message edited by: NobleNick ]
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