Thread: Solo ideas?
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Old 09-01-2004, 01:45 PM   #2

Join Date: February 5, 2002
Location: Huntsville, AL, USA
Age: 64
Posts: 1,045

Don't feel too badly: I actually created a DC Fighter/Bard!! Well, that is, I created a Fighter that I intended to DC to Bard. Glad I did a test conversion when he leveled, and discovered my error without much investment of time.

My advice for a solo character: Don't do it!

Ok, If you are going to ignore that advice, then it looks like your last listed character is one of the better choices: I have never soloed, myself, but it seems most everyone who claims success used a MultiClass character containing Thief, Mage and/or Cleric skills, and usually Fighter.

EDIT: I did a search on "solo" and came away surprised. Although there are a lot of people who played solo, and had lots of ideas of what they THOUGHT was a good solo character; precious few claimed to have completed IWD and/or HoW with a solo character. Here are those who claimed success and the characters they used:

Bozos of Bones --> MC F/Necro
Midget Gems --> MC F/Illusionist
pritchke --> H-elf MC F/M/C
Zintha --> F/Druid (MC or DC?)
Micah Foehammer --> MC F/M/T
Leafy --> H-elf MC C/R
Leafy --> Gnome MC C/Illusionist
Brett --> Fighter
Brett --> Ranger
Brett --> M/T (MC or DC?)

What's a party,
without a song?
Bards ROCK!
Party On!!

[ 09-01-2004, 02:39 PM: Message edited by: NobleNick ]
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