Thread: chapter 2
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Old 08-11-2003, 09:06 PM   #4

Join Date: February 5, 2002
Location: Huntsville, AL, USA
Age: 64
Posts: 1,045

Yes, a description of your party would help lots. Hopefully you have some magic users in your crew. Summoned monsters and skeletons help lots: not because they can do much damage, but they can distract your attackers long enough to finish them off.

Several tactics that you may be able to use, depending on your party's compositon:

1.) Clean out EVERY other room on the level before you greet Yux.

2.) Make your battle plan up before the final battle and load your mage, cleric, druid, and/or bard up with exactly the spells that you will need for that battle. Sleep immediately before battle (even if that means backtracking a few levels).

3.) Keep most of your party back out of Yux's room; and cast grease AND web AND stinking cloud AND skull trap AND anything else that you have that will slow down enemy progress through the doorway.

4.) Summon monsters (these are a BIG help) and place them on your side of the goo pile you've created, to take the heat from the monsters that do make their saving throws. (Don't summon too many things at once: the game limits the number of summons you may have at any one time, and you may waste a spell if you are not careful.)

5.) Gang up on monsters that do make it through the goo. Don't have your guys spread out going one-on-one.

6.) Take out magic users first (may not work well with tactics 3, 4 and 5 above).

7.) After killing all magic users, distract Yux, while finishing off the rest of her minions, by running a monster or your otherwise most useless character close by and letting her give chase. This basically takes that character out of the battle; but also takes Yux out of the battle, which is a good trade. (Don't get caught!)

8.) If you had enough financial fortitude to save up for your bard's bardic horn of Valhalla, then berserkers should be early in your summoning order of battle.

9.) If your bard has war chant of the Sith, by all means let her sing....

10.) After everyone except Yux is dead, pour everything onto her. You will need AT LEAST 2 strong (and strongly armored) melee characters who are proficient in weaps that will hit. Four is much better. If your mage has single opponent offensive spells (like magic arrow), save them all for Yux.

11.) This is a little cheesy; but I sneak a thief up to find out exactly where Yux would see an unhidden person. Then I summon and place my first set of berserkers or monsters, immediately order bless on everyone and quickly move the character that will talk to Yux up just behind my thief and move the thief to battle position. Set all my casters to launch their area effect spells; then unpause long enough for the spells to almost launch, then pause, order my dialogue character to take a step forward and unpause. The dialogue will stop the casters; but when the dialogue ends the casters will immediately cut loose with finished spells before the enemy can react. Use pause button copiously when setting this up or you will lose monster and bless time.

What's a party,
without a song?
Bards ROCK!
Party on!!

[ 08-11-2003, 09:08 PM: Message edited by: NobleNick ]
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