Thread: Hullo!
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Old 01-28-2003, 12:17 PM   #13
Elite Waterdeep Guard

Join Date: June 25, 2001
Location: Ventura, CA USA
Posts: 38
Sounds pretty similar to what I do overall as a party. Mine are usually variations of the following:

Paladin (almost a must have in the game)
Bard (item ID, mage spells, and the awesome songs)
Thief/ Mage or Thief/ Cleric (thief is a must, but multied is more versatile)
Fighter (turned into my archer. Sometimes this will be a cleric)
Fighter who duals to a mage (usually at level 9)
Fighter/Druid multiclass

I'll make some variations on it, depending on which time through and the mood I'm in. But usually in the mix of the party I end up with 2 people on the front (usually the Paladin and the other fighter/cleric or the fighter/druid). 2 people able to cast mage spells, 1 cleric, 1 druid, and 1 theif in the mix somehow. Gives me a nice balance, but changing around the mix sometimes can be quite fun.

But as the others said, play it through for a bit first, just to get the hang on things. Then after you're more comfortable with what's happening and how it works (and if you're like me), then start over with a new party and focusing more on the classes that you enjoy.
You mean I\'m supposed to put something intelligent sounding here?
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