Thread: IWD, or IWD 2?
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Old 05-23-2002, 03:06 PM   #9
Ironworks Moderator

Join Date: March 1, 2001
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Originally posted by Malystrom:
I have a question for IWD11 since they are makeing the new class of sorcerer. What is the difference between sorcerer and mage.
See if this helps. It was copied off of another website by Chad Nicholas the Sciptor...

Wizard or Sorcerer?I'd say a Wizard. You'll need that flexibility. Also, those extra feats are nice.

However, if you plan ahead, a sorcerer can be VERY deadly. Playing a sorcerer means not getting Minor Mirror Image and waiting for Mirror Image. It means not getting a Lesser Planar Binding elemental and waiting for a Planar Binding one. It means not getting Invisibility and waiting for Improved Invisibility. Etc., etc. That said, I'm very happy with my sorcerer. She can cast a LOT of Delayed Blast Fireballs and Chain Lightnings. Of course, she's not the only caster in the party. I've also got a bard to cast those spells that my sorcerer had to skip over.

Lower resistance: The target's Spell Resistance (SR from now on) is effective in resisting Lower Resistance (LR), but at only 50% it's current value. If you don't resist LR, you have your SR reduced by 1 for every 2 caster levels. The duration is 20 rounds.

User selectable avatars: The whole, "user selectable avatar" dealie is still on a programmers, "Implement this" list. It's a question of if there is enough time to do it.
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