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Old 04-18-2002, 03:32 PM   #6
Zhentarim Guard

Join Date: March 5, 2001
Location: The leafy, green forests of Wisconsin
Posts: 315
solution to the decay of items and the lack of space in a small party:
Find a good stash spot near the entrance to each "dungeon."
In the severed hand, for example, there is a "jar" on the first level just south of the entrance and just to the left of the stairway leading up to the next level. When you first arrive, throw every non-essential item there (extra spells and potions and gems and stuff). you can come back anytime for it.
There were also some cool chests at the entrance to Dragon's eye that were set there for this purpose.
Unfortunately, Dorn's deep doesn;t have any really good stash spots. Unless you like to leave your goods on a dead body in the Ettin cave?
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