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Old 11-26-2002, 04:36 AM   #1
Baaz Draconian

Join Date: November 5, 2002
Location: Denmark
Age: 58
Posts: 724

Never had a Bard in my party, but I might try one in my next game. My question is:

In the AD&D rules a bard of a certain level casts spells with the same caster level as a mage of the same level. In other words: a level 9 bard is casting a fireball at caster level 9.

The progress of XP levels is much faster for a bard (rogue) than for a mage, so eventhough the bard does not have as many spells as a mage, you can argue that you get more hit power each round when using a bard than if you use a mage considering that the 2 characters has the same amount of XP points.

This of course only goes for the spells, where the caster level is considered (magic missile, fire ball, lightning bolt etc.) and is only relevant for low level characters as in BG (spell casters that haven't reached the cap for caster levels with their spells: Ex. I guess the max. for fireball is 10d6).

I know this is not an issue for true role players (only power freaks) but am I right or wrong in my arguments? And had anyone experience with a 'hard hitting' spell caster bard?

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