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Old 06-03-2001, 08:46 AM   #8
Elite Waterdeep Guard

Join Date: May 30, 2001
Location: Springfield, MO, USA
Posts: 8
I hate to bust your bubble there pal, but as far as I'm concerned saving and restarting ten times in a row to fight one battle is just as much "cheating" as is using a character editor.

When I play a "good" strategy/roleplaying game and die and have to restart, I like to think: "darn, I screwed up, I should have known to do more scouting or be more agressive, etc. ahead of time from that clue I got earlier in the game." When I have to save and restart multiple times on one battle, and I can't see, even after the fact, how I could possibly have known what to do the first time through, I do not consider that a good strategy game. And if anyone thinks that roleplaying repeatedly dieing is fun, then some serious professional help is probably in order.

I've read all the posts here, and I am still sure that if I read every spoiler ever written, build the best powergamer characters possible from the very start geared just to win this one battle, have all the right anti-golem (as opposed to anti-spider, anti-undead, anti-giant, anti-etc.) weapons, exactly the right armor and every situation-specific spell memorized, then take all the potions and cast in the exact right order, and run in a counter-clockwise spiral to avoid all the traps I know out about ahead of time, etc., etc., etc. . . . I will probably still have to save and re-start several times.

I understand that making a game like this challenging without being frustrating is very hard to do, but if game designers can't make it so you can't win without doing all of the above, and more, then I wish they would just give up and make a character editor part of the game.
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