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Old 03-10-2001, 04:26 PM   #1
Welcomed New User

Join Date: March 10, 2001
Location: Evanston
Posts: 3
I recently bought both IDW and HOW and am playing it for the first time. I am currently in the Vale of Shadows crypt #5 where there is a lever that leads to the next level. It keeps saying that it's locked. I back tracked many times to make sure I didn't miss anything and never found anything new. I then looked at the walkthrough I found here. I had already done everything that was on the walkthrough, and I have all the keys that you can get up to this point. The lever is still locked. Am I missing something? The only thing I did different than the walkthrough was the order of the crypts that I went to. I wouldn't think that they would HAVE to be done in any certain order in regards to the 1st through the 4th, but maybe I'm wrong. Do I need to start all over and do them in the order the walthrough shows? I don't know what to do. I've tried just about everything. Any suggestions???
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