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Old 03-05-2001, 04:34 PM   #7
Zhentarim Guard

Join Date: March 5, 2001
Location: The leafy, green forests of Wisconsin
Posts: 315

it is kinda frustrating to not be able to buy all the cool stuff at a store, but that's why they make it so expensive. The first time i played IWD i cheated in extra gold and unlimited heals/arrows. it was still fun cuz i was attached to my 3 characters. but since, i've played strictly non-cheating style. it's still just as much fun.
There are a few tricks for getting extra cash; like saving all the high quality weapons, long and short bows, two-handed and bastard swords that you find. it can be cumbersome to carry all that stuff, so make sure to choose a chest on each dungeon level so you can throw everything in there and come back for it later. If you save up so you have 16 of one item, you can go sell it for phat cash. but it's important to give all 16 to one character cuz once you sell the item type, it decreases in value the next time you want to sell it.
I think HoW is trying to make it less necessary to cheat by giving cooler items and spells that modify character stats. Plus, the Heart of Fury mode is impossible for a 1st level character starting in Easthaven; so i assume this mode is for importing characters for a 2nd run thru the game, or crazy-phat cheaters.
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