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Old 10-25-2001, 07:00 PM   #1

Join Date: September 23, 2001
Location: Istanbul (not Constantinople)
Age: 45
Posts: 486
I searched for the thread, I knew I read it here some time ago. I'm trying to compare the swash and F/T to see what I'd rather play, without having to go through the bother of playing one halfway through getting sick of it, and then restarting.

I'm not necessarily looking for the most -powerful- class, but whatever one more fits my playing style. I don't know if I want to give up the backstab. Furthermore, I like having a thief, but also want to have someone that can hold their own in combat. But I don't see myself as picking up too many of the thieves high level abilities.

Overall, I plan to use my thief abilities to the fullest. I want to lay traps, use my stealth, maybe even detect some illusions. I figured that the Swash will give me the fast level advancement I would need to do well with my skills, but the F/T would be more prepped for combat and I can keep my backstab. Any thoughts?

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