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Old 07-17-2001, 11:54 AM   #7

Join Date: June 23, 2001
Location: Toledo, OH
Posts: 598



Well Jaheira and I never slept with each other for me, and I beat ToB. I had loads of good romantic dialogue, however. Very well done. But in particular, we had a touching/romantic ending at the very end of the game. She broke down and was convinced I would leave her for my destiny as a god. She cursed both me and Khalid for doing this to her, leaving her. She kissed me, then turned around, resigned that I would soon go and leave her with her memories, sorrow, and tears.

But I chose to remain mortal, and remain with her. She stammered slightly, and said "Wha...what?" I told her "I'm not going anywhere, I'm afraid you are stuck with me." She then replied "I...I don't know what to say..."

I then repiled "Just smile. That's enough."

Then, at the end, there was a short history of what happened to each party member after the adventure and into the future. I wont reveal the particulars, but wow, I was happy with it. Especially Jaheira's, for obvious reaons. Nothing altogether too special, but for me I didnt really need it. I was happy, and I smiled, and for me, that's enough

[This message has been edited by Waluin (edited 07-17-2001).]
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