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Old 07-25-2005, 11:59 AM   #8
Symbol of Cyric

Join Date: July 3, 2001
Location: Cornwall England
Age: 37
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I would go vamps.

Basically you want somethings that you meet fairly frequently, are tough to kill and that the bonus will make a difference, bearing in mind your tactics. I wouldn't pick dragons because my tanks never usually get too close, I tend to kill them with magic using summons to distract him. Liches, again the bonus probably wouldn't be used to full effects given my tactics and there aren't enoughof them imho to pick it. I would want something that my ranger is frequently going to be going toe-to-toe with (or bow-to-other-side-of-the-room). With the more powerful creatures I find I rely more on magic so that the bonus wouldn't be put to best use.

So vamps, as tey come up regulalry, are a difficult enough foe to want to have a bonus against and because my ranger would play an important role in the fights with them.
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