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Old 05-04-2014, 02:05 AM   #4
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Default Re: I Think Choc's Kidneys *might* be slowly failing.. maybe.. (Choc is 22 1/2)

I sure hope Tuppence gets better! Yeah, the diet should help (Choc has a special kind that doesn't have fillers, no grains or preservatives and good protein.) And low tar ash. (ash can cause crystals in the bladder).

Yeah, his loss of 1 lb. and back legs getting weak (does Tuppences' hind legs slide on tile too?)

It's scary though.. My last Siamese from 1980-1997, had crystals block his urethra, and they had to remove his 'man part'. Back then, the surgery was experimental in 1983, and cost a LOT, (I think it was like $2800) my parents paid it) I was a boy--Charly grew up with me.. had him as a tiny white Kitten--Siamese colors came out as he grew was cool.. But with Charly, I was still young in 1997, and didn't know what I know now.. I never noticed Charlie's weight loss until a friend came over and noticed it.. (When you're around someone every day, its hard to tell over time).

So we took him up there, and the vet says basically 'he's dying'. and within 1 week, he did.. I was so shell-shocked. stunned. I grew up with Charly. I still think of him all the time. He was also amazing, and had his own unique character.

But this time, I and trying to prepare myself... I mean, as much as you can.. It will still be heart breakingly sad. But I know that he will have had lived a great and long life, and is loved by many.

I hope Tuppy gets better, I've seen many bounce back in stories on the internet. I'll say a prayer for her. It's hard to see our pets suffer or have to deal with illnesses.

I think there is another treatment where they clean the blood in a machine, and flush the kidneys out with a water/saline type liquid, and that sometimes will also help give them a lot more quality life.

(I wonder if it's a record... not as just the oldest cat--I think that's around 30 (WOW), but the oldest born at birth blind cat may be a record!!
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