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Old 06-08-2013, 08:10 PM   #4
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Default Re: Baldur's Gate: Reloaded

It looks and sounds great! Sounds like a LOT of work.. I can appreciate that.
But it uses the NWN2 engine which I really dislike... from a developer standpoint, the engine is barely held together with plug-ins for splines, speed-tree and bones for npcs..

NWN1 created all that in one engine and coded it themselves. And the maps were HUGE!!

Take the new Sim City... horrid crappy game... TINY land to make a 'city' on--more like a village... (The previous Sim City--Sim City 4 had MASSIVE lands to make a city--also had farms and so much more.. you could sculpt the land, make rivers and mountains.. not so in this stinky new version... I hate reboots...) you'd think, with technologies advances and coding advancements they could make the lands AS large or LARGER.. but no.. tiny, and many other limited things...

IMO, I think it's just sloppy coding.. and/or EA has tainted the game to fail... Seems like most of what EA touches turns to shite.
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