Thread: Art Styles
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Old 08-26-2010, 05:54 PM   #10
Jack Burton

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Default Re: Art Styles

See the "Flintstones" mentioned reminds that there are a couple of viable styles not listed - comic book and "painted" are the first two that pop to mind. By comic book, I mean just exactly that - something you might see gracing the pages of your favorite Marvel, DC, Image or Darkhorse title. By "painted" I mean something along the lines of a median between my style and Dinonykos' style and/or something by one of the masters of fantasy art (I'm not putting myself in that category, I just mean something full of colors but not rendered).

You know, every time I read this poll and thread, I see the word "walls" in there...I must have them on the brain or something so use "walls" as a filter for my above paragraphs.

I did bring up comic because I've been thinking a lot about rebooting 'Hero Craft', which is the DC version of SHUA.
We should also have 'Dragon Craft' for Dragonlance, which has a vertain look to it, too, (but is straying a bit from the topic).
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