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Old 05-29-2010, 02:59 PM   #7
John D Harris
Ninja Storm Shadow

Join Date: March 27, 2001
Location: Northport,Alabama, USA
Age: 62
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Default Re: Giant Plumes of Oil... A way to clean those up?

Originally Posted by SpiritWarrior View Post
I think your bias is getting in the way again, personally. Don't be so desperate to paint this as "Obama's Katrina" as the talk radio whackos are attempting to do (mind you, they are not succeeding because people actually realize the man cares). This is bigger than that for all of us. BP fuxxed it up and BP need to fix it. In contrast, no company caused hurricane Katrina yet that mess is STILL broken because of Bush. I shook my head in wonder when, years later, poor Obama had to talk to the Katrina victims because Bush ignored them. No, this is apples and oranges.

Also to correct you, the president visited the site twice now. 37 days did not pass until he visited. This is his second visit.

I didn't know the right-wing were concerned about the environment. Last time I checked they didn't believe in evolution - nevermind saving the planet! It seems when it looks bad on their political enemies they are suddenly eco-warriors and tree-huggers. And THAT is self-serving. Using the lives of all those animals for little more than political leverage.

Regardless of what happens here there is one saving grace: The U.S. has begun thinking more than ever about it's dependency on oil and has started the conversation of getting off it. Look at this mess spilling into our oceans.
Want to place a bet on when President Obama visited? His first visit was on day 37 his second visit was on day 38. No where did I write Obama's Katrina, it is your bias that is showing. And for you information President Bush declared LA, MS, and the AL coasts disaster area's BEFORE Katrina made landfall the first time that has ever been done. So the resourses could be started in the pipe line. I live in the South in Hurricane land been living in since '73. The town I currently live in was one of the staging area's for the FEMA resourses. How many Hurricanes have you been through in Ireland? I have been through 15 of the top 25, including Katrina. Katrins had the largest destruction area of any Hurricane. I live 250 miles inland for where it made land fall and we had Hurricane force winds when it passed us by. There was so much damage that a 1 hour trip by car on interstate20/59 to merridain Ms from Tuscaloosa Al. took 8 hours that first day. USCG Helicopters where in the air out of Destin, FL, and USAF Helicopters from Eglin AFB on the very first Day as soon as it was safe to fly. Both where Ordered there By President Bush. The Helicopters out of Mobile USCG had been moved farther inland and it took them longer to get there. You People hav no freaking Idea how much damage was done in Katrina... all you think that was hit was New Orleans... WRONG try the entire State of Mississippi, the western half Of Alabama, the eastern 2/3rds of LA.... get a map and a clue Hale that is larger then your little island.

SW you don't know squat about Hurricanes... why don't you ask Z man about how long it took for him to get his town cleaned up after that LITTLE Hurricane hit him?

Your only comeback to the foolishness of delaying the clean-up is a childish comment about rightwingers? Of course we don't care about the enviroment we want everybody to die, our wives, daughter, mothers, and all our customers that we sell stuff to and make money off of. Use your brain SW. Oh and feel free to cry to the Mods... while your at it be sure to show them where you name call and used lables where I use the correct terms! Now where did I say liderals or lefties or anything like that.... And if you wanted to make sense with your atempted Evolution putdown comment, the correct comment would have been since you believe God made us stewards of this Planet then you Bible thumping rightwingers should be even more enviromentalist to please God... But NO your own selfserving bias is evident for all honest people to see.

Illumina where are you? at least you're Honest and can have an intellectualy honest conversation.
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