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Old 10-23-2008, 08:01 PM   #15
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Default Re: Obama's abortion policy.

Originally Posted by Ilander View Post
...but, Dron, the legislation doesn't make that practice illegal explicitly. It simply asserts that if a child is born alive, they are afforded the rights of any citizen of the nation...well, at least if they breathe or have a heartbeat or umbilical cord pulsation.

It's unnecessary legislation because the Nationality law already provides citizenship and the rights associated therein to children who are born.

All this law does is give a legal definition of the term "born alive," and doesn't do anything whatsoever about abortion.

Now, that said, the law may allow the police to arrest every nurse at that establishment for negligent homicide.

So...what does that gain us? What does that do to eliminate the evil of abortion? It deprives some people of jobs they clearly did not want in the first place, and possibly kills business to the clinics themselves, but it does not prevent other, more cheaply run establishments from doing horrible things to children while still in the womb solely so that the mother can be legally exonerated.


I think my main opposition to this youtube video is that it very clearly paints Barrack Obama as a heartless man who would not save dying babies.

Besides, the legislation ultimately passed. It's on the books today. It stands.

Mostly, though...I don't care about that law. Sure. Why not. Define born alive. Let's write more laws, defining "cheese weasels" and "Squirrel fasting."

If you want to fight abortion, there are much better ways.
I'm not asserting that the born-alive act will fight abortion. What I'm saying is that it most certainly cannot be pointless... otherwise those babies that prove more resilient than most and survive the abortion would not be taken from the womb and killed by exposure. In what way is that only "giving a legal definition to "born alive?""
Are the children carried to full term and birthed in the normal fashion? No, instead these are the fetuses that were aborted and made the mistake of continuing to live. My issue here isn't about the evil of abortion, in general, but the evil of killing the survivors in this inhumane way. This is what i'm hoping the born-alive act would accomplish.
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