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Old 09-10-2008, 01:47 PM   #261
Very Mad Bird

Join Date: January 7, 2001
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Default Re: Remember that Dutch comic about Mohamad?

Originally Posted by Variol (Farseer) Elmwood View Post
Here are 2 example that are first-hand information.

One of our church members took a bad fall and broke her tail-bone some years back. She was not attending our church at this time BTW. Despite physio and multiple surgeries things only got worse. It got to a point where she was bed-ridden at home and needed help for the simplest of things. After several years of this, a friend ask if she had the elders from the church come to pray over her. She had not, but was certainly open to it. Several days after, the elders gathered 'round her and prayed for healing.
She felt a warmth pass through her from head to foot. After a few minutes she tried to stand up and walk. She felt absolutely fine. That's a pretty tough one to chalk up to coincidence.

The other situation happened to our former pastor on a mission trip last year. They rented a Jeep which had an electric drivers side window that stopped working. It didn't really matter 'cos it's always so hot there anyway. On the 4th day of their trip they were in an area of excessive violence, crime, theft etc. They did not want to leave the vehicle unattended with the window being all the way down.
One of the people said "let's pray over the window; that The Lord will fix it"! Even the pastor raised an eyebrow at this, but decided to do it anyway. No sooner did they finish praying, that they tried the window. They pushed the button and it went right up with no problem and continued to work from that point on.

Take for what you will, of course, but these are things I've heard first hand, from the people who have experienced it.

I could tell you more, but, would it make a difference?
I have a long list of stuff like this.

Saw a churchmember defeat cancer when I was a kid.

Had a student healed of partial blindness in one eye after prayer, to the point where her eye hurt due to the sudden influx of light she was seeing in her healed eye.

I myself had a torn hamstring heal in two steps after a series of prayers and a decision to "agree with the healing".

Had a colleague who was suddenly healed of a chronic back issue after prayer.

I personally survived numerous car accidents and life-threatening illness.

Had a completely non-functioning DAT player (holding the only copy of a vital mix-tape), literally start working after a quick prayer.

In 1999 my Dad went into a 3 month coma after acute pancreatitis. The family all wrote him off for dead. I believed while there's life there's hope, and prayerfully had full faith he would survive. He is still alive today.

I've been healed of a voice-ruining virus a day after onset, after a night of prayer and repentance.

I've had a very very close friend healed of an incurable eye condition, after I spent days walking the streets of Nashville praying for their healing. (I tried "praying in tongues" during these walks too.... which changed my faith, but that's another story)

I had another very close friend healed of depression and get off drugs, while I myself have been cured of depression within minutes.

As small as it may seem, I even had a floating and sick fish that my wife and brother presumed past all hope, return to full health after I earnestly prayed for it!

I've had carspaces in New York city appear, found things, got through situations, sung well despite throat problems, gotten through migranes... the list of quick answers to prayer is as long as my life.

I even had two mugging situations, one in Sydney, where I got a sudden sense of danger and started running, only to hear a chase and "you're dead muthaf*****" behind me; and another in Brooklyn where I was held up by two guys, who had my wallet, and were still heading towards me, completely reverse after I screamed out "Jesus help me brother" (why am I calling him my brother...?) *bang* they threw the wallet at my feet and said "take your s*** man" and ran off.

Jesus saves me every day man.
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