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Old 06-06-2008, 07:12 PM   #5
Ironworks Moderator

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Default Re: Cloudy's Cafe, a conversation zone, June 6, 2008

*gets out the 'top shelf' stuff fto share around* Bungleau, Whoo... summer must be here then! Of course it's been 86 degrees F with thundershowers today and our forcast for the next few days is temps in the high 90's with more of I might have guessed it was summer even if the kiddos were still in the schoolhouse!

Wellard, I remembered that your son was pretty sick a while back. Yes, as my doctor told me and my husband earlier this week "people die from asthma' so you need to take it seriously. Poor Jim was so rattled he took off like a madman and our friend (who was the one who knew how to get to the hospital the ambulance took me to) had to tell him to slow down several times so they wouldn't get into an accident. He was shaken up enough that when he was checking me in at the desk and they asked for our doctor's name he gave them his practitioner's name, not mine!

But, I am feeling a little better now although, I'm still on a whole pharmacy worth of meds! blech... Hubby's been great.. he's called every day to see how I'm doing and took some heat from his supervisor for missing the middle part of the day to take me to the doctor's.
"Don't take life for granted." Animal (may he rest in peace)
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