Thread: Done
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Old 02-24-2008, 08:32 AM   #4
Elite Waterdeep Guard

Join Date: August 26, 2007
Location: Vienna, Austria
Age: 51
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Default Re: Done

Thanx for the congratulations.
I'm not sure about resetting the game. Wouldn't it be boring to fight trolls and worgurs with those super-duper zen master powers?

However, first i'll take my party ro revisit the whole gael serran. Because some things are still to be cleared:
I never found the lance of the lady and the ring that gives iron-lung.
I found a lever in the stout mines, right behind the right gate after you find the first trolley (the gate you can't use before repairing the right trolley). Does it do anything? I found no way to reach it, cause you can't leave the trolley on the way, and when you reach the "stations", the doors close behind you) (well, maybe one could vanish through the gate?)
In Anephas shrine there are some holes in the ceiling, looking a bit like "exits" from some hidden corridors. Are they just decoration?
Also i'll read the best-tips once more. Maybe there's something i missed, but still worth trying out
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