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Old 06-22-2007, 04:43 AM   #4
Jack Burton

Join Date: August 24, 2002
Location: Aussie now in the US of A!
Age: 37
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Originally posted by robertthebard:
My friend's son is addicted to video games. He can sit here and play Tekken for three hours, but if I turn off the Playstation to get a break from it, he's like I hit him with a bat or something. I don't think there needs to be a "drug treatment facility" for it though. A simple no every once in a while, along with, "go play outside" will eventually suffice. If not, take the games away and make them deal without them. I don't think they will go into violent DT's without them, and maybe they will find out there is more to life than gaming, as sacreligious as that may sound, all things considered...
Biggest problem there is that its not just affecting young kids

The vast majority of gamers are aged 21-28 or something like that, and a lot are addicted
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