Thread: Mysteries
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Old 12-21-2000, 02:11 AM   #1
Welcomed New User

Join Date: June 27, 2004
Location: New Jersey
Age: 56
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Hi there all - I've read through all the questions and answers on this board and
found it really helpful... BUT there are a few things I'm not really sure on :

1/ I created a fighter as my main character and rolled until his strength was 18/92,
DEX 18,CON 18,INT 10,WIS 10 and CHAR 10. I've never understood what the 18/92 stat
referred to - searched the manual without success - no mention of this equation any
where! Can anyone explain how this works?

2/ Found Yeslick on the 2nd level of the Cloakwood Mines but I'm happy with my current
party so left him there. Killed the bad boy on Lev 4, got the goodies including the
"River Plug" and am ready to flood the mine... but - If I do this can I still pick
up Yeslick at a later stage or will he have drowned? Can you still enter the mines
after flooding them,(wearing my Wellingtons+1),or is it now closed off? Any ideas?

3/ I read in one of the other posts that if a mage had a high enough Intelligence stat
he/she would be able to copy any mage scroll into the spellbook.
I have Dynahier but even at Lev 7 she can't write "Melf's Acid Arrow" amongst others
into her book. Is there any way I can get these spells learnt,(using potions that
increase intelligence or something?),or is it because she's an Invoker?

4/ When I installed the game I immediately patched to 114.315 or whatever then realised
that the ring of Wizardry had been removed(bah!).Did the Ankheg armour buried in the
field also disappear with this patch or is it still there? Also,I have TOTSC,(not yet
installed),and the final patch for it(1.3.5512). Do these items return when this or
the patch gets added? In case you're wondering why I got "Tales" but didn't install
it yet it's because I read in the manual that it affects the thiefs chances of hiding
in the shadows and since I use this alot I thought I'd wait 'till I got nearer to the
89,000 exp.cap !

Sorry for such a long post - these questions have been bugging me for a while!
Thanks in advance for any help you can give me with this...
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