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Old 02-24-2007, 05:05 PM   #273
Emerald Dragon

Join Date: April 6, 2005
Location: Denmark
Age: 38
Posts: 903
Speaking of old things and old members, I was wondering if I was hallucinating something I could remember or if someone could help me dig it up.

I could swear that, once upon a time in the RP section, I ran an arena sort of thing. 2nd edition, I seem to recall that either Attalus or Galadria(Or both?) were involved, as well as several others. Mostly something for a lot of gratuitous violence, but it was, all in all, relatively amusing. Some of those fights sure dragged on, too, I think I once wrote one so long it required three or four posts because it was so damn huge. Anyone remember what it was called? Or know where the thing has ended up? I couldn't find it earlier.

Aaaaaaaand if any of the old members who were involved are reading this, would anyone of you care to reprise your roles if I started it up again? It's not likely to happen today or tomorrow, but if people show interest, it could happen. It's likely to require very little activity from people. Just making characters, issuing challenges, spending prize money and writing up some battle tactics for me to use.
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