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Old 01-04-2007, 04:57 PM   #125
Emerald Dragon

Join Date: April 6, 2005
Location: Denmark
Age: 38
Posts: 903
I entirely wonder what you're going on about. I never tried to hide my identity there. I got into a few disagreements with some people, and then when a person I knew decided to spaz out, I got banned, too, for some nebulous reason.

I never tried to "fake out" Ironworks. I mean, honestly, did that post read like any sort of attempt to hide my identity? You may notice that even Johnny quickly identified me and I made no attempt to put on a bad moustache, imitate an accent and claim to be from elsewhere.

I have no beef with anyone here, when I left, way back in the day, it was of my own volition. I've no intent of starting any sort of juvenile forum rebellion and I'm perfectly capable of being civil in my debates. You, on the other hand, as soon as you spot me, burst in and start yelling and ranting. I hate to be insulting, but, it really strikes me as though you're the one with a problem, here.

Now how about you do me the favour of keeping whatever issue you have with me between you, me and the mods, if they need to be alerted of it? I see no reason to slander me in front of the entire board. You're dragging in some feud you're imagining from elsewhere. I don't intend to participate in any sort of flamewar, so this will be my last reply to you on Ironworks.

EDIT: Bithron, way back when I first posted here as Neb, I left because I had an issue with the mods and admins. That is entirely in the past for me, though, and I don't think the mods are burning effigies of me in the break room. At least not any longer. Okay, but I bet they're not sticking needles in them first.

[ 01-04-2007, 04:58 PM: Message edited by: PurpleXVI ]
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